Mega Con 2013 or Bust!

Megacon is my favorite convention in Central Florida. This year, the convention welcomes the bridge crew of Star Trek The Next Generation including Captain Picard himself, Sir. Patrick Stewart. Also in attendance to represent the comic book world will be Neil Adams, Gail Simone, George Perez along with many others!

Mega Con is my favorite convention in Central Florida. This year, the convention welcomes the bridge crew of Star Trek: The Next Generation including Captain Picard himself, Sir Patrick Stewart. Also in attendance to represent the comic book world will be Neil Adams, Gail Simone, and George Perez along with many others!

One of the things I'm looking forward to doing most is walking the various comic book artists tables and vendors.

I've purchased some really cool and inexpensive artwork at Mega Con in the past that is now showcased in my office at work. This year I hope to get something signed by Gail Simone and maybe a comic book or two signed by George Perez.

I'm also excited to walk around the autograph area and maybe say hi to some of the celebrities at their tables. Knowing the line for Levar Burton is going to be horrific, I've already given up hopes of getting his autograph, but that doesn't mean I won't still try. I'm also looking forward to meeting voice actress Tara Strong, best known for her role as Twilight Sparkle on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Raven on Teen Titans.

My husband is looking forward to meeting Dean Cain (Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman). Last year, he was star struck when talking with Paul Bradford and Scott Tepperman from Ghost Hunters International, so maybe this year he won't be so shy when he goes over to say hi to them again.

One of the things I really like about how Mega Con is organized is you get to see a little bit of everything in terms of celebrities. This year we have the Weasley twins from Harry Potter, cast members from Battlestar Galactica (Michael Hogan), NCIS-LA (Arne Starr), the Walking Dead (Michael Koske) as well as stars from shows not long forgotten (The Incredible Hulk, Teen Wolf, and Farescape).

For those of you who are fans of the light and dark side of the force, have no fear! The 501st and Rebel Legion costuming groups will have plenty to amuse you including sets, costumes, and droids on display. This year, the 501st Legion will also be hosting Roxy the Rancor, last seen at Star Wars Celebration VI. Roxy is a star all her own and will be available for photo ops in the 501st Legion area. In addition to Roxy, the 501st Legion will also have helmets, props, and costumes on display. They also hope to raise money for charity with "Shoot a Stormtrooper," where guests can shoot Nerf guns at willing stormtroopers and other 501st Legion costumers.

The Rebel Legion will have a host of helmets and props on display as well as a Cantina Band set display for guests to take pictures with. They also plan on having a friendly bean bag toss game to help raise money for a special charity.

For those of you coming for the first time here are some tips to help you make it through.

  • Pre-purchase your tickets to avoid the long lines at the convention.
  • If you don't want to bother with the crowds, come early on Friday morning. Advanced ticket holders get in an hour early, so this is the best day to avoid the crowds.
  • If you want to see the best costumes the con has to offer, wait and come on Saturday.
  • Plan your attack for autographs and take note who will not be there on certain days (some of the talent will only be there on Saturday or Sunday).
  • The best artwork goes fast, so hit this first on Friday and don't delay in getting something because you think it will be there later, because it probably won't be.
  • Regardless, if you are coming in costume or not...Don't forget to hydrate!

As always, make sure your camera is charged and ready to go the night before. You don't want to miss any of the action at this convention.

But wait! There's more!!

This year, I will be coming armed with free GeekMom patches! To get one, all you have to do is find me and say "GeekMom Rocks!" To help you out, I'll give you a hint about what I will be wearing on Saturday as well as tweeting my heart out about everything I see. Make sure you follow me on Twitter to see the latest updates on all the exciting things happening at the convention.

So, if you are heading out to Mega Con this year, keep your eyes peeled for me. If you're not going, keep an eye on Twitter for updates on what it's all about!