'Bad Hombres' Reactions Dominate the 65 Best Tweets from the Presidential Debate

Not only did Trump and Clinton save the best for last in their final debate—Twitter did too.
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Welp, there you have it. The final (thank heavens!) presidential debate between Republican nominee Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is over. And damn was it a doozy online and IRL.

Before the debate even started the event lit up Twitter with the hashtag #TrumpDebateGuests (a tag spoofing Trump’s debate guest—the president's half-brother Malik Obama—by suggesting other possible guests).

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That was just the warm-up. The tweetstorm started in earnest when the candidates hit the stage, with the twitterverse providing whip-smart reactions to everything from the candidates' positions on abortion to Trump's use of the term "bad hombres." Let’s get started.

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A Tweet-By-Tweet Rundown of the Final Presidential Debate

Moderator Chris Wallace of Fox News opened by reminding everyone to remain quiet during the debate.

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Clinton came out wearing white.

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Trump came out looking tired.

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Debate moderator Chris Wallace started things off with a question about the Supreme Court. “I feel strongly that the Supreme Court needs to stand on the side of the people,” Clinton said, and defend the rights of women and LGBT people. She called for the court strike down Citizens United. Trump promised to appoint conservative pro-life justices who would defend the Second Amendment.

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Then the topic turned to immigration. Trump repeated his calls to deport undocumented immigrants, repeated all his stereotypes, and concluded by saying, “we’ve got some bad hombres here.” No, really. He did.

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During the discussion of nuclear weapons, Trump said people have “no respect” for Clinton. She responded that Trump would “rather have a puppet for president.” In a truly childish exchange, he replied, “You’re the puppet.”

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Wallace then asked the candidates about their fitness to be president. He raised the many allegations of sexual harassment and sexual assault women have leveled at Trump in recent weeks. Trump of course made the question about Clinton, saying that her campaign has encouraged violence at his rallies. And then of course he made himself the victim. "I think they either want fame," he said of the women, "or her campaign did it."

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At one point Trump mentioned that he was watching campaign ads in his apartment at a Trump hotel in Las Vegas, which Clinton interjected was “made with Chinese steel.” Twitter loved that.

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Responding to how he handled his business, Trump interjected that if Clinton didn’t like it she should have changed the laws that allowed it to happen while she was in the Senate.

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Wallace also asked Clinton and Trump if they would accept the outcome of the election—a question that seemed intended to make Trump talk about his recent comments about the election being “rigged.” Twitter had its own ideas.

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During the foreign issues debate, Trump brought up the recent WikiLeaks release of emails allegedly from Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, noting Podesta said unfavorable things about Clinton.

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The final social media talking point of the night came as the result of one of Trump’s 12 interjections while Hillary was speaking. Speaking of her Social Security plan, Clinton made a dig at Trump’s and he immediately responded “such a nasty woman.” Twitter immediately jumped on that—often with Janet Jackson references.

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