I’ve always been envious of people who can fall asleep easily. For me personally, I struggle to turn my brain off. I’m always readjusting my blankets and flipping my pillow and tossing and turning. I need a box fan, a completely dark environment, and the complete elimination of distractions. Heaven forbid someone near me is snoring—nothing triggers my misophonia faster.
The Manta Sound Sleep Mask has been a complete game changer for me and my sleep routine.
At first glance, it looks as if a traditional sleep mask had a baby with a visor one of the X-Men would wear. It comes in black, pink, or light gray, and there are a few different parts. There’s the eye mask strap, which has C-shaped eye cups that can be removed and readjusted via a hook-and-loop system. Those eye cups create a complete blackout environment without putting pressure on your eyes—something I appreciate a lot since I’m exclusively a side sleeper. The second strap encases super-thin Bluetooth headphones. They’re about the thickness of a thin yoga mat and are nearly imperceptible when you’re wearing the mask. Each headphone can be adjusted forward or backward using the tabs on the outside. And on the outside of the headphone strap, there are three buttons—they’re basically centered on your forehead when you’re wearing the mask. Two of them are volume controls, and one is the power button. The whole package is simple but effective, and it helps me fall asleep and stay asleep every single time I use it.
See No Evil
The mask is unique since it covers both your eyes and ears. Unlike some other eye masks, even if you wear it tightly, it won’t create pressure on your eyes in order to block out all the light. I’ve successfully used it many times in direct sunlight. It’s the equivalent of throwing a sheet over my birdcage—the sun goes away, and my brain knows it’s time to go to sleep.